Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Challenge in Vancouver

A very important challenge I've faced here in Vancouver happened on my first day. I arrived at Vancouver International Airport on Sunday, so I had only one day to cure my jet lag. However, I was supposed to go to school the next day and I thought it may be really hard for me to find my bus and the way to school without any help. So I decided to do some internet research before, because when I arrived, no member of my hostfamily was at home.

Fortunately, I had no problems in finding the bus the next day. Moreover, the busdriver was very friendly and showed me where to get off the bus. I was really proud of myself. In the end, when I arrived at school, I figured out that today was a holiday. At least, I wasn't the only new student who came to school the wrong date, so I had the opportunity to meet my new classmates in town. We went to Starbucks :)

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